Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Summer Registration, Summer Classes, Pressure

Welcome to April everyone. Summer registration is right around the corner. You can found out what your registration date is by logging on to your pipeline, once your on your home page click on the registration link on the right hand side, then click on the first link entitled,  
 click on it and select the term "summer 2014." Oooh and here's the summer schedule brought to you by, Melanie Belanger.

Anyways I have to admit that its quite stressful to think about summer classes, when we're still in Spring semester. I'm starting to really feel the pressure of doing better than last semester and now I must think about what I will take this summer. I feel like a huge weight has been placed on my shoulder, hahaha the real saying is "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder," not in this case. Yet, I always go back to one of my favorite Nelson Mandala quotes "It always seems impossible until its done." I've said it before and I'll continue you to spread this quote.

Its weird, despite my stress, I'm feeling extremely optimistic I'm even thinking about going on another hike this weekend because it really makes me happy. Like they say, whatever makes you happy. We're all gonna power through these last eight weeks and succeed! Then I can say a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders rather then it being placed on them.

By the way, Happy April fool's day! 

P.S: All my writers out there! Here's two opportunities to enter your writing pieces:
1. The English Honors Conference 
2. Painted Cave Literary Magazine

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