Something I found interesting this week was a book I read in my American Literature class, The Coquette by Hannah Foster (On the Right picture of the novel).I know books and American Literature typical English Major haha. I liked this book so much I am trying to incorporate it into my short story for Creative Writing. I'm handling two subjects at once by one, studying for my midterm and two, writing my short story. Its genius, its like that idiomatic expression, "killing two birds with a stone"! Come to think of it, why did they associate the idea of completing two tasks at the same time to killing birds? That's kind of strange when you think about it. So basically the story is about a woman named Eliza Wharton, who in the beginning of the story looses her fiancé which results to her moving in with friends. Eliza writes to her best friend Lucy about her stay at the Richman's house and for advice on two admirers that begin fighting for her love. You could relate this conflict to many novels nowadays, but this is in my opinion, where that conflict originated. You have to read the rest to find out what happens.
I'll give you a preview of my short story:
History Repeats Itself
by: Kiki Reyes
I.It was a stupid research paper our history professor assigned us that made me come back home to Hartford, Connecticut. I hadn't been home in almost a year and now I had to faced about hundred miles of driving, an estimated hour and half. Of course it started raining during my morning drive that's something I always despised about going home, but this time looking above at the uninviting dull skies and the curious empty roads made me feel more uneasy than usual. At that moment I decided to shift my thoughts into focusing on the paper. The assignment was to get a better sense of our ancestors and when they migrated to the Americas. I began to think about the stories my grandparents would tell my younger brother, Daniel and I. They briefly mentioned the Hartford Circus Fire in the 1940s, apparently they were late to the circus that day. I remembered my grandma got teary so we had to change the subject. Even though we were on a different topic, I could see her grey eyes staring blanking, possibly re-following the flames annexing the circus tent echoing of swallowed tragic screams. It had nothing to do with my family's history at all, but that was the only story I could remember.
I hope you like it so far, its very suspenseful.
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