I just celebrated my 19th birthday last week and my friends were able to persuade me to do something that evening. I had been indecisive for weeks saying I didn't want anything then saying we should do something, so I'm glad I have friends who make me realize that you only turn 19 once and its really an awkward age to turn, so why not celebrate my awkwardness? (Picture below my friends, Billy and Alexia and I)
It was an incredible day, but I had work (I work at a driving school as a secretary). I had many phone calls that had to be answered, appointments to be set up, and I couldn't get the day off because the other employee was sick and my boss went fishing. Well, I mean he's at the office every day of the week so I didn't mind it, I guess I was not meant to have the morning off. A few people called me that morning including my grandma from mexico and my teacher from my old high school. I received one of my favorite albums as a gift from my best friend. Its a vinyl record, I have been listening to it a lot its been inspiring me with my own music.
Lately I have been noticing a change in my songwriting, luckily my genre is always the same. I recently wrote a new song called "Dearest Stranger" it was inspired by the song "Girl With The Red Balloon" by The Civil Wars, which is off the album I got for my birthday(On left). I will record it once I have some time. I also wrote another song called "One-Sided Love" which is a sarcastic song played on my ukulele. Everything on Uke sounds happy, which is why I love to play it because after many years of writing serious ballads I think exposing myself to writing happy music is very challenging.
I remember I was watching VH1 a few years ago and they interviewed Jason Mraz. He said in this interviewed something I would never forget. He said he likes writing happy songs because no one really does and its challenging. That man is a genius.
-Kiki Reyes
P.S Here's the link for my music page:
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